hot seat
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He is to remain in the hot seat as chief executive .
The video challenge does not put individual students on the hot seat --- so it 's less intimidating by design .
The teacher put the student in the hot seat , asking her questions to see how much she could5 remember .
You may find yourself sitting in a hot seat if you change your mind .
President Clinton has been in the hot seat a lot lately .
NEW YORK ( AP ) - It 's China 's turn on the climate hot seat .
If you lie to your teacher , you will be in the hot seat .
I 'll be in the hot seat when the boss finds out what went wrong .
He has resigned from his job because he has been in the hot seat for years .
When testifies before Congress , he will be in the hot seat .
Eric was really in the hot seat after his mother caught him lying to her .
You 'd really be in the hot seat trying to interpret in a meeting or over the phone .
On the hot seat , Geithner has a lot personally tied to the success of the new program .
I was in the hot seat for about an hour , but they didn 't learn anything from me .
Martha was in the hot seat because she had to lay off half of her employees .
The retail giant and streaming platform has been on the hot seat for its lack of a breakthrough hit .
On the business front , IT executives are frequently in the hot seat when it comes to justifying their budgets .
This article focuses on the minor matters that job seekers often overlook before they sit down in the interview hot seat .
The politician will be in the hot seat on television tonight ; he will have to answer some unpleasant questions .
Tony Blair his friend and erstwhile boss , who takes the hot seat soon will have bee watching n anxiously .
No wonder the usually chirpy Mr Blankfein looked so drained by the time he was let go , after almost four hours in the hot seat .
Other candidates have alluded to financial hardships while in the hot seat , and one person even distributed bound copies of documents describing projects he completed for past employers .
He has lots of plans for a turnround but already his old hot seat at Boeing , where he was chief executive , must be looking like a sinecure .
After stepping down this summer as the head of the EPA , the embattled Christine Todd Whitman is once again in the hot seat .
When you 're in the hot seat , there 's a good chance your interviewer will turn the tables at some point and ask , " Do you have any questions for me ? "
The more you say things out loud , such as why you 're an ideal fit for a position , the more comfortable you 'll be reciting that information when you 're in the hot seat .
A couple of weeks ago , Texan chef Tim Love paid a visit to the5 @ 5 hot seat to explain why eating meat is rad and being vegetarian , well , isn 't.
EXAMPLE : The boastful engineer promised his boss he could solve any problem , but now that there are several problems facing him , he 's in the hot seat , and he must solve them or be fired .
I 'm sure we 've all seen the 1940s and 50s interrogation movies where the person in the hot seat has a sweaty brow or a sweaty upper lip or perhaps sweat dripping down from their sideburns .
Make it hot for him ; in the hot seat ; in hot water .